Concierge Coaching

Personal health and wellness coaching. Highly tailored and laser focused on you.


Enjoy daily access and weekly personal coaching sessions with Meredyth. This is a completely tailored experience using the Fit Forever Formula. Everything you need to be successful with mindset, food, movement, stress, and sleep.

Book a discovery call - waitlist is open for 2025.

$2990 for 6 months or $5500 for one year

options available

Its all about the process…

Diets are not working. We need something different. We need to tap into our own intelligence and learn new ways of thinking to impact our thoughts and feelings and in turn, our actions.

1) DREAM - Start by sharing your story, where you are now, and where you want to go.

2) CREATE - Move to regular coaching sessions where the magic happens. Get clear on what’s not helpful, deconstruct it, and build your new body from a place of love.

3) GROW - Notice how small shifts in thinking are leading to small shifts in actions. Watch them pile up to massive change! Learn powerful tools that will make this new lifestyle permanent.

  • Along with a comprehensive, objective assessment you will get the opportunity to craft your vision full of clarity and meaning.

  • During our coaching sessions we pull back the curtain on ambivalence, and other healthy behavior disrupters like perfectionism and rebellion. We get curious, get aware, and adopt new ways of thinking. By taking do-able steps, we make small gains every day, between coaching sessions.

  • The shifts in thinking lead to shifts in actions. Decisions become easier and you become more aligned with what you want and what you value in this life.

You deserve to feel good, now.