Inner Strength Coaching

Small group and concierge health and wellness coaching for women who want the most out of life.

Don’t struggle on your own.

Get the deep, meaningful change you want with expert coaching and accountability from me! I have developed the Fit Forever method to help people ditch the diets in favor of taking real care of themselves, forever. I help them create meaningful change on their own terms, in their unique life, and get whatever result they want for themselves.


No more diets or unrealistic workouts.

Most of my clients desire some weight loss or body recomposition but they also want a deep trust and freedom with themselves, nutrition, and their bodies. My clients are typically high achieving, go-getters yet this area of their lives has been plaguing them for years. Whether dealing with orthorexia and disordered eating like I did or suffering from severe shame and self-judgement my clients are done with restriction and burn out. They are totally done and ready approach this area of life with a different mindset and brand new skills.

“It occurred to me fairly early on in our coaching that I had been putting the cart before the horse. Unless I worked on my relationship with food, eliminating certain foods or some amounts of food would only (eventually) bring me back to the starting point.”


“With Meredyth, the emphasis is on simplicity. It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated.”
